You’re getting married! Congratulations! Whether you’re eloping somewhere in the Midwest or in the early stages of planning your wedding day, you will want to start getting familiar with everything you need to know about your county’s marriage laws. As your Indiana based elopement photographer, facts about getting married are kind of my thing. In this blog we are going over the marriage laws & what you need to know about them for Indiana & the rest of the states in the Midwest! Though for the most part marriage laws are consistent throughout the US, there are a handful of variables that change from state to state & also can even change from county to county, which is why it is SO important to familiarize yourselves with the marriage laws of the area you plan to have your wedding.

What to Look For When Having a Wedding in the Midwest
When it comes to marriage laws, you will want to do your research for which State in the Midwest you plan to have your wedding in as well as which county. Some of the things to look out for when looking up marriage laws in your county include:
Cost of applying.
Waiting periods.
Whether or not you need a witness.
Who is able to marry you.
What information you need to know when applying.
What days you can apply for your marriage license.
How long of a period of time you have to have your wedding once you get your license.
What type of office you need to apply at & what their hours of operation are.

Marriage Laws Throughout the Midwest
Marriage Laws in Indiana
For our first Midwest state we’re going to take a look at Indiana’s marriage laws. In order to get married in Indiana, there are a handful of things you’ll need to know before heading to the courthouse! To start you need to be at least 18 years of age or older. When you head to the courthouse to apply for your marriage license you will need to make sure that you have a form of ID which could be your ID, birth certificate or passport. Then you will also need to know the following information about both of your parents: their full names, last known addresses & birth place.
If you & your partner are both Indiana residents, you will also need to pay a $25 fee to apply for your license, if one or both of you live out of state you will have to pay a $65 fee to apply. You also do not need a witness which keeps things simple. Once you obtain your marriage license, it is valid for 60 days, but there is no waiting period, so you can have your wedding as soon as you apply! If you plan to get married in Indiana, you can start your marriage application process here. For more information on how to elope in Indiana or what it looks like to have me document your elopement check out my blog on how to elope in Indiana & my Indiana elopement packages.
Marriage Laws in Michigan
If you plan to have your wedding in Michigan the marriage laws are extremely similar to those in Indiana, though there are some differences to take note of! In Michigan, much like many of the 50 states, you do need to be over the age of 18, you need a form of ID (ID passport, birth certificate or drivers license), & in some counties you even need two! The biggest difference in marriage laws in Michigan compared to the other Midwest states though is that there is a 3 day waiting period after you apply for your marriage license & before you can actually have your wedding. From there your license will be valid 33 days after you apply!
Your application fee will vary between $20 & $30 depending on whether or not you live in the state, & unfortunately you cannot apply online in all counties. You will have to check out the county you plan to have your wedding in to get the exact details on what you will need & whether you can start the process online! You will also need two witnesses present at your ceremony. If you are planning your elopement in Michigan, check out my blog on how to elope in Michigan for tips on eloping in Michigan & my prices!

Marriage Laws in Illinois
Next on our list of Midwest states we have Illinois who’s marriage laws are very similar to those listed above. Illinois has a one day waiting period after your application, & is valid for 60 days after you obtain your license. Similar to the other states you must be 18 years or older & must have a valid form of ID such as your birth certificate, drivers license or other form of state issued identification. Marriage license fees vary depending on the county you apply at so be sure to look into your counties requirements as you plan out your wedding day.
You can start the process online through your County Clerk’s website, but you must finish the process in person with both parties present. Lastly you do not need a witness present to get married in Illinois making eloping much easier! Speaking of eloping, one of the most common destinations for eloping, & weddings in general, in Illinois is the city of Chicago. The windy city is home to so many wedding venues & incredible spaces in general, so if you plan to elope in Chicago head to my blog for a full breakdown on how to do so!
Marriage Laws in Wisconsin
Next on our list we have Wisconsin! Wisconsin has a 5 day waiting period starting the day after you apply for your marriage license. You can petition to have it waived & pay a fee though if waiting the 5 days isn’t an option though. Your wedding must take place within 30 days of obtaining your license, & you also need to know the date of your wedding when you apply for your license. One of the unique things about Wisconsin’s marriage laws compared to other Midwest states is that you need to have the name, phone number, & current address of your officiant. You do have to apply in person at the county clerk’s office, & again you must both be 18 years of age or older as well as have a non-expired photo ID, your social security number & your certified birth certificate.
If you or your partner are residents in Wisconsin, you need to apply in your county of residence with proof of residence in the form of a driver’s license, utility bill, lease or bank statement. If you’re not a resident, you have to apply in the county you plan to get married in & you can expect to pay between $100 & $110 for your license.

Marriage Laws in Kansas
Kansas is next up for the Midwest & as a state it has some very particular marriage laws. To start, there is a 3 day waiting period when you receive your license, & it can take up to two weeks for your marriage license to process. If you do plan to have your wedding in Kansas, be sure to plan ahead & apply at least a month in advance. One upside of this though is that the license is valid for a full 6 months after so you have plenty of time to have your wedding. It costs $85.50 to apply for your marriage license in Kansas, & you do not need an officiant. To apply you need to include your full name, SSN, previous marriage details, phone number, name change request, & date of birth.
Marriage Laws in Nebraska
If you’re looking to get married in Nebraska here are the laws you’ll want to be aware of. There is no waiting period & you do have to be at least 19 years of age to have your wedding in Nebraska. You’ll need proof of identity in the form of a valid drivers license, passport, green card, or birth certificate. In order to fill out the application you will also need the following information: Parent’s full names including maiden names, parents place of birth & SSN if you have one. Some counties also require you to bring in your social security card so be sure to look into your counties specific requirements.
A marriage license costs $25, & a certified copy of the marriage license costs $9 & some counties do require you to purchase this copy. You must apply either in person or in some counties you can apply by mail, & the time it takes to get your marriage license after applying varies by county.

Marriage Laws in Minnesota
Minnesota is next on our list & this northernmost Midwest state has some pretty straight forward marriage laws. First there is no waiting period, you must be 18 years or older, & you must complete an online pre-application process. To finish this process & receive your license, both parties must appear in person at the county recorder’s office. If you can’t both make it you need the proper notarized forms. You also will need a form of ID such as a driver’s license, birth certificate, or state ID like many other states.
The application itself will ask for your SSN, current address, previous marriage information if any, legal name, past felonies, & if you’re seeking a name change. It does cost $115 to apply, unless you can complete 12 hours of premarital education, then the fee is only $40! You will need your pre-marital educators statement if this is the case which you will receive upon completion. There is no waiting period after receiving your license & it expires six months after your time of applying.
Marriage Laws in Ohio
For a legal marriage in Ohio you must be 18 years or older to apply for your marriage license without judicial consent. To apply for the marriage license you will need a valid government issued ID such as a driver’s license, passport, state ID or visa, & you’ll also want to know your social security number. You & your partner will have to show up in person at the Probate court. If you are a resident, you need to apply in one of your counties of residence while non-residents must apply in the county you plan to get married in.
The marriage application process will cost anywhere between $36-$76 depending on the county. The best thing about Ohio is it only takes 20-30 minutes to obtain your license & then there is no waiting period so you can have your wedding that same day! Some counties you can apply online, some counties you cannot, & some counties actually require you to start the application online, so be sure to check the specific rules at your probate court.

Marriage Laws in Missouri
Missouri is our next Midwest state & its marriage laws are about as simple as you can get. . To start both parties must be 18 years of age or older & need to apply in person at the Recorder of Deeds office. You can start your application process online but you will have to finish in person. When applying you need to have your ID such as a valid driver’s license or government issued photo ID as well as your SSN. The cost varies by the county, but most are around $50. There is no waiting period, but your ceremony has to occur within 30 days of receiving your license. Lastly your license must be returned within 15 days of the ceremony.
Marriage Laws in North Dakota
North Dakota, similar to Missouri, is incredibly simple when it comes to marriage laws for states in the Midwest. First like the other states you must be 18 years of age or older, or have parental consent if you’re 16 or 17. You’re able to apply both in person or online which is incredibly helpful as well. To get your marriage license in person both parties must be present with a valid photo ID, your SSN, & you have to pay the $65 fee. There is no waiting period & your license expires after 60 days which offers a ton of flexibility as well.
Marriage Laws in South Dakota
It makes sense that South Dakota’s marriage laws are equally simple when compared to North Dakota’s. Again you must be 18 years of age or older when applying for your license. You will need to apply in person with both of you present, but you can print the application from the web & then fill out the application at home & bring it in with your partner. You must bring a government issued photo ID or a certified copy of your birth certificate. You’ll also need to provide your SSN, & be ready to pay the $40 fee to obtain your license. There is no waiting period & the license expires 90 days after receiving it giving you even more time!

Marriage Laws in Iowa
Iowa is our next Midwest state which has some slightly more restrictive marriage laws, but nothing too crazy. Starting off simple you must be over 18 years of age or older to receive your license or over 16 with a consent form filled out by a parent or guardian. Both you & your spouse must be present during both the application process & the ceremony. In order to apply for your marriage license you need a witness to be present, or the paperwork they are required to fill out must be notarized. All three of you must also bring a government issued photo ID as well as know your SSN’s in order to apply for your marriage license. It also costs $35 to obtain your license.
Your license will be issued immediately, but you still have to wait the waiting period, which depends on the county you plan to get married in. For your ceremony you need two adult witnesses & need to return your license within 15 days of your ceremony for it to be valid.
Marriage Laws in Kentucky
Last but not least on our list for Midwest states we have Kentucky, which has relatively simple marriage laws. You must be 18 years or older to get married or else you need a parent’s legal consent. There’s no waiting period & you receive your license the same day which means you can have your wedding that same day as well. You’ll have to go to the county clerk’s office in the county that one or both of you reside in, & if neither of you reside in Kentucky you will apply in the county you plan to have your wedding in.
To get a marriage license both parties must be present in person to sign the necessary documents. You will also need some or all of the following documents depending on the county you plan to marry in. A drivers license, picture ID, social security card, passport, your original birth certificate, proof of residency, & a way to pay the $32-$35 fee. The following info is also required: Your full name, place of birth, where you currently reside, your age, the names of any dependents you have, & any information that would prohibit you from marrying.

There’s so much to consider when planning your wedding in the Midwest, the marriage laws in each state are just the start! You’ll have to think about your venue, vendors, & timelines just to name a few things that go into wedding planning. For more tips on how to elope or have your wedding in the Midwest head over to my blog page for even more resources to help in your planning process. & if you’re liking my work & want some assistance in planning your Midwest wedding head to my contact page to send me an inquiry!